الجمعية السعودية لعلوم الارض

The society's system

First: The name of the society and its headquarters

The Saudi Society for Geosciences is an independent scientific society administratively and financially overseen by King Saud University. Its headquarters are located in the Department of Geology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh. Branches may be established in other locations as deemed necessary.

The objectives of the society

The Saudi Society for Geosciences aims to achieve the following:

Thirdly: The activities of the society

The society achieves its goals through all appropriate means, particularly by engaging in the following activities:

Fourthly: Membership

Membership is granted by the Board of Directors of the society and is categorized into four types:

Fifthly: The Board of Directors

The society is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of a maximum of nine members, elected by secret ballot from among the society's members during the General Assembly. Board members serve for a term of three years, renewable once. The Board is responsible for setting the general policies of the society and presenting them to the General Assembly for approval. Additionally, the Board issues the necessary rules and instructions for implementing the society's bylaws.

Sixthly: The President of the Board of Directors

He is elected by the Board of Directors through a secret ballot from among its members, for a term of three years, renewable once, and he serves as the President of the society.

Seventhly: The General Assembly

It consists of all active members who have paid their annual dues. The General Assembly holds regular meetings annually at a designated time. The General Assembly has the following responsibilities:

Eighthly: The resources of the society

The resources of the society consist of: