الجمعية السعودية لعلوم الارض

Estimating the age of the Earth

The shape and movements of the Earth

Earth's gravity and its applications

Volcanoes and mitigation methods

The Earth's atmospheric layers

Climate change and global warming

Afforestation - challenges and solutions

Landslides, collapses, and floods

Rainfall, flash floods, and dams

Desertification and drought

The future of energy in our world

Guide to Writing Academic Papers and Scientific Publishing (Arabic)

Guide to Writing Theses and Scientific Publishing (English)

321 Questions and Answers on the Origin and Evolution of the Earth

358 Questions and Answers in Petrology, Geochemistry, and Remote Sensing

358 Questions and Answers in Natural Resources

380 Questions and Answers in Geological Hazards

303 Questions and Answers in Seismology and Engineering Seismology

300 Questions and Answers in Applied Geophysics